When one works in the botanical design industry, you are constantly reminded to celebrate the seasons.
Celebrate the now.
It is truly a grounding concept, and inspirational to create with something that is only available for a limited time.
So I asked myself, what reminds me of summer? Without a moment’s hesitation, I remembered being barefoot running through moss-covered trails in Maine as a child. My feet squishing all down the trail in its moisture, yet comforted by its lush, green nature. I’ll never forget that feeling.
As a botanical designer, I use moss whenever I can. It can be a designer’s best friend because of its versatility, spectrums of green hues, and its versatility of textures.
Just when I thought I had moss all figured out, and had accepted it for what it was… I discovered Moss Graffiti.
Artists and botanical appreciators have begun to open their eyes to the endlessness of the medium, and are creating some amazing things. Here at Marc Hall Design, we are always trying to push the envelope past what something is, to what something can be.
By blending the moss medium, and adding a few items in the process, it becomes a spray/paintable botanical element. Directions for blending properly can easily found online.